Lessons on Leadership: Michael Abrashoff on Turning the Worst Ship in the Navy into the Best
Michael Abrashoff transformed the USS Benfold from being one of the worst-performing ships...
...in the navy to the highest-performing within three years without changing the crew.
Abrashoff encourages organizations to reward risk-takers and innovators, not those who avoid change and controversy.
He believes that the key to leadership is understanding oneself first, which can lead...
...to a transformation in how leaders interact with their team and make decisions.
He stresses that leaders need to allow their subordinates to fulfill their talents to the utmost, emphasizing that...
...many limitations are self-imposed by the leader due to their own fears, ego needs, and unproductive habits.
Abrashoff argues that command-and-control is not the most efficient way to tap into people's intelligence...
...and skills. Instead, he advocates for creating a culture where employees take ownership.
He believes that rules should be questioned and challenged, as many may become obsolete over time.
Abrashoff found that people leave organizations mostly due to lack of respect, inability to impact the...
...organization, not being listened to, and not being given more responsibility, rather than low pay.
He suggests leaders should see the world through the eyes of their subordinates, which can make it easier to identify and address problems.
Abrashoff criticizes systems that reward micromanagement, which he believes disempowers subordinates and removes ownership and accountability.
He encourages leaders to constantly seek better ways to do things and to implement processes that people enjoy carrying out.
Abrashoff argues against creating extensive rules and policies for every possible contingency, as they become difficult to change and discourage ownership.
He believes that giving the right people direction and autonomy increases the odds of success.
Instead of rules, Abrashoff suggests organizations should use principles, allow for exceptions...
...and judgement, and train people to think and make decisions on their own.
His book, "It's Your Ship," details the techniques he used to win trust, create an environment where people felt accountable, and gain commitment.