Building a Simple Game

Building a Simple Game

Game development is both fun and interesting, and can be a good departure from more traditional software engineering projects. Concepts such as GameObjects, Scenes, and Prefabs are key to game programming, and can be learned hands-on by building a simple game. Game development and traditional software engineering have many similarities, including some aspects of object-oriented principles. Game engines provide a framework and libraries that support common functions for game development, including... ...rendering for 2D or 3D graphics, physics and collision detection, networking, memory management, and more. Most games are built with established engines by popular third-party providers like Unity, Unreal, and CryEngine. Unity is popular with smaller teams and single developers due to its ease of use and quick feature iteration,... ...while Unreal is often used for larger AAA titles due to its ability to produce slick-looking games. GameObjects in game engines are components of a typical game and can include sprites for 2D graphics, models and textures for... ...3D graphics, physics elements, sound assets, light sources, cameras for rendering, and code for specific gameplay features. Scenes are collections of GameObjects, often representing individual levels in a game. Prefabs are templates used to create GameObjects during gameplay, useful for frequently used components. Having a background in traditional software engineering is beneficial for game development, as many concepts and skills carry over. To build a game, you can start with a new 3D project in Unity, create a player object that responds... keyboard inputs, and create coins which players can collect by colliding with them. Games can be structured using the Model-View-Controller approach, which helps maintain clean structure and aids in debugging. Unity and Visual Studio Code are both free for personal use and can be used to follow tutorials and create a simple game.
